Information on Cookies 

(version 1.0 of June 2020)


Gentile Visitatore/Visitatrice (di seguito, “Tu” o l'”Utente“),

Questo sito Internet (, di seguito, il “Web Site“) è di proprietà della società FarmaP Industry s.r.l. con sede legale in Via Nazionale, 66 – 65012 Cepagatti PE, P.IVA 02244470684, (di seguito, “Noi” o la “Society“).

Poiché sul nostro Sito sono utilizzati dei c.d. cookie per diverse finalità, con questa informativa vogliamo spiegarti cosa sono i cookie e come vengono utilizzati sul Sito.

Alcuni cookie (c.d. cookie propri o di prima parte) sono veicolati e controllati direttamente da noi. Attraverso questi cookie, la Società raccoglie e tratta alcuni dati personali che ti riguardano. In questa informativa, ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 del 27 aprile 2016 relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali (di seguito, “Regulation”), ti spieghiamo come raccogliamo questi dati, per quali finalità e quali sono i tuoi diritti.


Altri cookie (c.d. cookie di terze parti), sono, invece, veicolati e controllati da soggetti terzi. Su questa informativa troverai dei link alle informative pubblicate da questi soggetti terzi, che ti preghiamo di leggere con attenzione.

Se non hai familiarità con i cookie, ti preghiamo di leggere attentamente questa informativa e l’informativa privacy generale del Sito, così che tu possa essere consapevole delle tue scelte.

La Società tiene nella massima considerazione il diritto alla privacy e alla protezione dei dati personali dei propri Utenti. Per qualsiasi informazione relativa alla presente Informativa Cookie, gli Utenti possono contattare la Società in qualsiasi momento, utilizzando i seguenti metodi:

• Inviando una lettera raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno alla sede legale della Società;

• Inviando un’e-mail a

La Società non ha individuato la figura del Responsabile della protezione dei dati (RPD o DPO), in quanto non è soggetto all’obbligo di designazione previsto dall’art. 37 del Regolamento.


A. Cosa sono i cookie e a cosa servono

I cookie sono piccoli file di testo che i siti visitati dall’utente inviano direttamente al suo terminale (solitamente al browser), dove vengono memorizzati per essere poi ritrasmessi agli stessi siti alla successiva visita del medesimo utente (c.d. cookie propri di prima parte). Nel corso della navigazione su un sito, l’utente può ricevere sul suo terminale anche cookie di siti o di web server diversi (c.d. cookie di terze parti); ciò accade perché sul sito web visitato possono essere presenti elementi come, ad esempio, immagini, mappe, suoni, specifici link a pagine web di altri domini che risiedono su server diversi da quello sul quale si trova la pagina richiesta. In altre parole, sono quei cookie che vengono impostati da un sito web diverso da quello che si sta attualmente visitando.

I cookie possono avere una durata limitata ad una singola sessione di navigazione sul browser (c.d. cookie di sessione), ed in tal caso si disattivano automaticamente al momento della chiusura del browser da parte dell’utente; oppure possono avere una scadenza predeterminata e, in tal caso, rimarranno memorizzati ed attivi nel tuo hard disk fino a tale data di scadenza, continuando a raccogliere informazioni nel corso di differenti sessioni di navigazione sul browser (c.d. cookie permanenti).

I cookie sono utilizzati per diverse funzioni. Alcuni sono necessari per consentirti di navigare sul Sito e usufruire delle sue funzionalità (c.d. cookie tecnici). Altri sono utilizzati per ottenere informazioni statistiche, in forma aggregata o non, sul numero degli utenti che accedono al Sito e su come il Sito viene utilizzato (c.d. cookie di monitoraggio o analytics). Altri, infine, sono utilizzati per tracciare un tuo profilo di consumatore e farti visualizzare annunci pubblicitari sul Sito che possano essere per te interessanti, in quanto coerenti con i tuoi gusti e le tue abitudini di consumo (c.d. cookie di profilazione).

Per conoscere più in dettaglio queste diverse categorie di cookie continua a leggere questa informativa. Scopri come funzionano ed a cosa servono, e scegli liberamente se acconsentire al loro utilizzo o impedirlo.


B. I cookie tecnici 

I cookie tecnici sono utilizzati sul Sito al solo fine di rendere possibile la tua navigazione sul Sito e consentirti di utilizzarne le funzionalità. Si tratta sempre di cookie di prima parte, in quanto sono veicolati direttamente da noi sul Sito.

Alcuni cookie tecnici sono indispensabili per offrirti un’ottimale esperienza di navigazione o per consentirti di autenticarti sul sito, ad esempio per realizzare un acquisto sul Sito o entrare nella tua area riservata (c.d. cookie di navigazione). I cookie di navigazione sono normalmente cookie di sessione e, pertanto, una volta chiuso il browser di navigazione, vengono di disattivati automaticamente.

Altri cookie tecnici sono utili per consentirti di memorizzare alcune tue preferenze (ad esempio, la lingua o il paese di provenienza) senza doverle reimpostare nel corso delle visite successive (c.d. cookie di funzionalità). Per questo motivo, i cookie di funzionalità sono spesso cookie persistenti, in quanto rimangono memorizzati nel tuo computer anche dopo la chiusura del browser di navigazione, fino alla data di scadenza per essi prevista o fino a quando tu abbia deciso di eliminarli.

Sul Sito sono attualmente utilizzati i seguenti cookie tecnici:

Nome del Cookie

Categoria del cookie

Funzione del cookie


– cookie tecnico di prima parte

– di sessione

Consente ai siti Web di memorizzare dati sullo stato della serializzazione. Viene utilizzato per stabilire una sessione utente e per comunicare i dati sullo stato attraverso un cookie temporaneo (cookie di sessione). Poiché il cookie PHPSESSID non ha una scadenza temporale, scompare quando si chiude il client.

As required by current legislation on privacy, your prior consent is not required for the installation of these cookies. Naturally, you are free to block the installation of technical cookies by changing the settings of your browser (read paragraph E, n. 1 to find out how to do it). Consider, however, that by blocking the installation of technical cookies, or subsequently eliminating them, the ability to access the Site, to use all or part of it, to enable or disable certain functions or to receive certain services could be wholly or partially compromised.


C. Monitoring or "analytics" cookies 

Analytics cookies are used on the Site to collect statistical information, in aggregate or non-aggregated form, on the number of users who access the Site and on how they visit the Site itself.

The analytics cookies of this site are third-party cookies, since they are not conveyed directly by us but by third parties. Therefore, they are not installed directly by the Company but by third parties.

The following third-party analytics cookies are installed on the Site without your prior consent, because they are less invasive as they are anonymous, as third parties cannot access disaggregated analytics data at the IP address level (in other words, using these cookies , third parties cannot trace your identity):

Nome del Cookie

Categoria del cookie

Link to information / Opt-out instructions


– cookie analytics di terza parte

–  permanent

– anonymised

_fba (pixel di facebook)

– third-party cookies

Facebook Ads conversion tracking (Facebook pixel) is a statistics service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects data from the Facebook advertising network with actions performed within this Application. The Facebook pixel tracks conversions that can be attributed to Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network ads.

Google Tag Manager

– third-party cookies

Google Tag Manager is a tag management service provided by Google LLC.

When you access the Site, a special banner is displayed, informing you that (i) third-party analytics cookies are used on the Site and that (ii) closing the banner, scrolling the home page or clicking any element of the home page outside the banner, you agree to the use of cookies. Should you express your consent to the installation of cookies in this way, we will keep track of your consent through a specific technical cookie. In this way, we will avoid displaying the cookie banner during your subsequent visits to the Site. Please bear in mind that, should you delete this technical cookie from your browser in the manner described in paragraph E, n. 1), the trace of your consent would be lost and, therefore, during your next visit to the Site, the cookie banner will be displayed again.

Naturally, you are free to block the installation of analytics cookies at any time, without compromising the possibility of visiting the Site and using its contents in any way. To find out how to do this, carefully read the information on third-party cookies by following the links in the table above.


D. How to manage cookies and oppose their use

There are several options for managing, disabling and deleting cookies.

(1) Change your browser settings

Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the browser you use to find out how to manage, disable or delete all cookies (technical, analytics and profiling):






Make your choices carefully. By indiscriminately blocking the reception of all cookies, including technical ones, without providing for a specific exception for the Site, you may, in fact, no longer be able to browse the Site or use all or part of its features. Furthermore, by deleting all cookies from the browser, technical cookies could also be removed and, therefore, you could remove the preferences you have set using the Site or you could no longer find the products or services added to your shopping cart.

(2) Use our interactive tools or those provided by third parties

To disable first-party profiling cookies, i.e. those installed directly by us, you can simply use the interactive button that appears in evidence in paragraph D of this information. Your choice to oppose the use of these cookies will have no consequence on the ability to browse the site and use its features, and you may in any case revoke it at any time using the same interactive button.

To disable third-party cookies, consult the privacy policies of third parties who install analytics cookies (see paragraph C above) or profiling cookies (see paragraph D above) to find out about the other tools at your disposal to manage, disable and delete cookies, and more generally to oppose their use. Remember that, by disabling third-party cookies, (i) you oppose their use not only on the Site but on all Internet sites on which these cookies are used and (ii) the ability to navigate on the Site and use its features will not be in no way affected. When you disable third-party cookies, you will still see the banner on the home page of the site relating to cookies; in this case, however, by closing the banner, scrolling the home page or clicking any element of the home page outside the banner, you will not receive any third-party cookies that you have correctly disabled.

(3) Use the website  

Your Online Choices is an Internet site managed by the non-profit association European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), whose Italian version can be reached at the address, which provides information on behavioral advertising based on profiling cookies ( and allows Internet users to easily oppose (opt-out) the installation of the main profiling cookies installed by advertisers and used on websites ( Before using this tool, we advise you to carefully read the general conditions of service of the Your Online Choices site (, the frequently asked questions (FAQ) ( and the user guide (

Use Your Online Choices consciously. Although, in fact, Your Online Choices brings together many of the most important companies in the advertising world that use cookies, some of the third parties who install cookies through the Site may not have joined Your Online Choices. Therefore, the use of Your Online Choices does not guarantee that you will receive third-party cookies while browsing the Site. Also remember that by deleting all cookies from your browser, even the technical cookies issued by Your Online Choices to remember your choices could be deleted, making third-party cookies active again.


E. Processing methods and data storage times

As highlighted in the introduction to this information, it is possible that the Company collects and processes some of your personal data through the cookies that it conveys directly on the Site (first-party cookies). The Company acts as data controller for this data, in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation. We will process your data only with electronic tools, in a totally automated way and without human intermediation. Therefore, our employees and collaborators will never access the content of your personal data obtained through cookies, which means that they will never be able to access and / or have PII (Personally Identifiable Information), i.e. information from which it will be possible to identify you directly.

Some of our employees and collaborators, appointed by us as data processors, could carry out maintenance work on the computer systems that host your data, without ever being able to access their actual content. Personal data could be stored on servers managed by third parties (e.g. IT system suppliers) or could be managed by subjects specialized in online advertising, who act as external data processors on the basis of a specific appointment in writing by part of the Company. We inform you that, in compliance with the assumptions and guarantees established by the Regulation, your data could be transferred to countries not belonging to the European Economic Area, which may not offer a level of protection of privacy and personal data protection comparable to that guaranteed by Italian and European laws on privacy, but where the Company will act as owner we will take the utmost consideration of data security, therefore we will proceed in the management of such transfers with all due caution and guarantees. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third party data controllers nor will they be disclosed.

Your personal data will be kept for the time strictly necessary to carry out the primary purposes illustrated in this information, or in any case according to what is necessary for the protection of the rights of both the Users and the Company.


F. Your Rights

To exercise your rights, or obtain any further information or clarification in relation to this Cookie Policy, please contact the Company in the following ways:

By sending a registered letter with return receipt to the registered office of the Company (FarmaP Industry s.r.l. con sede legale in Via Nazionale, 66 – 65012 Cepagatti PE, P.IVA 02244470684);

By sending an email to

Pursuant to the Regulation, the Company informs that Users have the right to obtain indication (i) of the origin of personal data; (ii) the purposes and methods of processing; (iii) of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; (iv) of the identification details of the owner and managers; (v) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as managers or agents.

Furthermore, Users have the right to obtain:

a) access, updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;

b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;

c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment is proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

Furthermore, Users have:

a) the right to withdraw consent at any time, if the treatment is based on their consent;

b) (where applicable) the right to data portability (right to receive all personal data concerning them in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device), the right to limit the processing of personal data and the right to cancellation (“right to be forgotten”);

c) the right to object:

i) in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning them, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

ii) in whole or in part, to the processing of personal data concerning them for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication;

d) if they believe that the processing that concerns them violates the Regulation, the right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority (in the Member State in which they usually reside, in the one in which they work or in the one in which the alleged violation has occurred ). The Italian Supervisory Authority is the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, with headquarters in Piazza Venezia n. 11, 00187 – Rome (


The Company is not responsible for updating all the links that can be viewed in this Cookies Policy, therefore whenever a link is not functional and/or updated, Users acknowledge and accept that they must always refer to the document and/or section of the sites internet referred to by this link.